Notes about investment lot tracking in [hledger]( and other [plain text accounting]( apps.\
Last updated: 2025-02\
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## Introduction
Tracking investment lots is often necessary to calculate capital gains accurately and to comply with tax law.
It's a tricky, increasingly widespread bookkeeping need.
This page aims to be a useful guide to the topic, for PTA users and PTA developers.
Here are gathered related links and FAQs;
then a sort of test suite of common tasks involving lots;
then reproducible examples of solving these with each of the lot tracking methods available in PTA.
Finally, there are some dev notes on design and implementation of lot tracking in PTA.
(How best to do this in a robust way, is a big question that's hard to answer.)
General links:
- Investment Income and Expenses
- Basis of Assets
Which non-PTA apps or sites do this job well ?
- Most mature accounting apps which advertise investments support, probably.
Eg [GnuCash](, [2](
- Stock brokers and cryptocurrency exchanges provide detailed lot reports.
- Online and offline apps built for this job, often aimed at cryptocurrency users.
Eg [BittyTax](
What solutions are there in the PTA world ?
- hledger users currently do it [manually with subaccounts](
This method can be used in any double entry system.
It is intuitive but also verbose and tedious, requiring advanced text-editing skills.
- Ledger has [lot notation]( which helps automate this.
- Beancount has [simpler lot notation]( which helps automate this to a greater extent, and with more validation.
- The [Lotter]( addon tool adds limited automated lot tracking to Ledger or hledger. It does not support custom lot dates, moving lots between accounts, etc.
- The [hledger-lots]( tool adds limited automated lot tracking to hledger. It does not support custom lot dates, moving lots between accounts, etc.
- The [hledger-move]( tool helps generate journal entries for the manual subaccounts method (as does the [hledger close]( command).
PTA links:
- overview of related PTA docs and hledger issues
- [2015 hledger discussion]( beginning of hledger's costs/investment support, & a description of Beancount's from Martin B
- [Full-fledged hledger: Manual lot tracking]( discussion of UK disposal rules
What is the scope of disposal methods like FIFO - per account, per broker, per commodity ?
It's unclear. No obvious IRS guidance found. LLMs disagree.
Discussion suggests the IRS will consider it per commodity, across all brokers and accounts (as it is in the wash sale rule).
But in practice brokers' cost basis reports are specific to them and even to each account held with them.
Accounting software may ideally need to support different scopes. Assume per account for now.
## Tests
Here are a few tasks/scenarios we'd like a lot tracking system to handle, as conveniently as possible.
The following market prices can be assumed, if needed for context:
P 2025-01-01 AAA $1.10 ; morning
P 2025-01-01 AAA $1.20 ; afternoon
P 2025-02-01 AAA $1.21
P 2025-02-02 AAA $1.22
P 2025-03-01 AAA $1.31
P 2025-03-02 AAA $1.32
P 2025-03-03 AAA $1.33
### Acquire lots
The first task is to record the acquisition of some lots. To make things more challenging, some have the same date and/or cost.
2025-01-01 buy 10 AAA at 1.10
2025-01-01 buy 10 AAA at 1.20 (same day)
2025-01-01 buy 10 AAA at 1.20 (same day and cost)
### Acquire lots with custom date/cost basis
Next is to record the acquisition of lots with a custom prior acquisition date and cost basis, as when receiving lots as a gift.
2025-02-01 receive 10 AAA acquired on 2021-01-01 at $0.40
2025-02-02 receive 10 AAA acquired on 2022-01-01 at $0.50
### Show lots
Then show the lots currently held. They should be:
10 AAA @ $0.40 acquired 2021-01-01
10 AAA @ $0.50 acquired 2022-01-01
10 AAA @ $1.10 acquired 2025-01-01 (1)
10 AAA @ $1.20 acquired 2025-01-01 (2)
10 AAA @ $1.20 acquired 2025-01-01 (3)
### Dispose of lots, FIFO
Then dispose of some lots in FIFO order.
First 5 AAA (should come from the 2021 lot).\
Then 24 AAA (should come from the 2021, 2022, and 2025 (1) lots).
### Dispose of lots, Spec ID
Then withdraw from two specifically identified lot(s):\
a total of 10 AAA from the 2022 lot and the 2025 (2) lot.
*(TODO: adjust this to run in sequence after the test above)*
### Move lots
Move a whole or fractional number of lots to a new account or broker, by each of the disposal methods.
This combines Dispose and Acquire, and could provide additional automation.
### Enforce or check disposal method
Specify and implement/enforce disposal methods, or allow them to be checked as a separate step.
### Assert lots
Assert that given lots exist in an account (like balance assertions).
### Show lots 2
Show the remaining lots. At this point they should be:
1 AAA @ $1.20 acquired 2025-01-01 (2)
10 AAA @ $1.20 acquired 2025-01-01 (3)
### Show average cost
Show the lots' average cost basis, both unweighted and weighted.
### Show unrealised gains
Show current unrealised gains/losses, per lot.
### Show realised gains
Record and show the gains/losses realised as part of a lot disposal (per lot ?)
### Show transactions
Show all the transactions in explicit form, if possible.
### Transition to a new file
Begin a new journal file, bringing forward all lots and balances from the previous period, and possibly closing the balances in the old file. An important task for some, eg when data gets large.
## Results / examples
To understand these, it may help to review the Tests descriptions above.
Also make your browser wide enough, or font small enough, so that the examples don't line-wrap.
Some of the journal entries below may be incomplete (eg lacking real world details like fees).
### Manual subaccounts
Using manual subaccounts to track lots.
This method works in hledger, Ledger, Beancount, or any double entry system.
#### Acquire
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 10 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 10 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20 10 AAA @ $1.20
#### Acquire custom
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 10 AAA @ $0.40
assets:broker:aaa:2022-01-01_$0.50 10 AAA @ $0.50
#### Show lots
$ hledger bal aaa -YE
Balance changes in 2025:
|| 2025
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 || 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:2022-01-01_$0.50 || 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 || 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 || 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20 || 10 AAA
|| 50 AAA
#### Dispose FIFO
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 -5 AAA @ $0.40
assets:broker:usd $6.55
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 -5 AAA @ $0.40
assets:broker:aaa:2022-01-01_$0.50 -10 AAA @ $0.50
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 -9 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:usd $31.68
#### Dispose Spec ID
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 -1 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 -9 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:usd $13.30
#### Show lots 2
$ hledger bal aaa -YE
Balance changes in 2025:
|| 2025
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 || 0
assets:broker:aaa:2022-01-01_$0.50 || 0
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 || 0
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 || 1 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20 || 10 AAA
|| 11 AAA
The above also works with Ledger:
$ ledger bal aaa -E --flat
0 assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40
0 assets:broker:aaa:2022-01-01_$0.50
0 assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10
1 AAA assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20
10 AAA assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20
11 AAA
And here it is in Beancount:
option "operating_currency" "USD"
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Aaa:2021-01-01-0-40
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Aaa:2022-01-01-0-50
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-1-1-10
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-2-1-20
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-3-1-20
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Usd
2025-01-01 open Income:Gains
2025-01-01 open Income:Gifts
2025-01-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-1-1-10 10 AAA @ 1.10 USD
2025-01-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-2-1-20 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
2025-01-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-3-1-20 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
2025-02-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2021-01-01-0-40 10 AAA @ 0.40 USD
2025-02-02 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2022-01-01-0-50 10 AAA @ 0.50 USD
2025-03-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2021-01-01-0-40 -5 AAA @ 0.40 USD
Assets:Broker:Usd 6.55 USD
2025-03-02 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2021-01-01-0-40 -5 AAA @ 0.40 USD
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2022-01-01-0-50 -10 AAA @ 0.50 USD
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-1-1-10 -9 AAA @ 1.10 USD
Assets:Broker:Usd 31.68 USD
2025-03-03 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-1-1-10 -1 AAA @ 1.10 USD
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-2-1-20 -9 AAA @ 1.20 USD
Assets:Broker:Usd 13.30 USD
$ bean-query subaccounts.beancount "SELECT account, units(sum(position)), cost(sum(position)) WHERE account ~ 'Aaa' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY account;"
account units( cost(s
----------------------------------- ------ ------
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-2-1-20 1 AAA 1 AAA
Assets:Broker:Aaa:2025-01-01-3-1-20 10 AAA 10 AAA
#### Show realised gains
$ hledger reg gains --invert
2025-03-01 revenues:gains $4.55 $4.55
2025-03-02 revenues:gains $14.78 $19.33
2025-03-03 revenues:gains $1.40 $20.73
$ ledger reg gains --invert
25-Mar-01 <Unspecifie.. revenues:gains $4.55 $4.55
25-Mar-02 <Unspecifie.. revenues:gains $14.78 $19.33
25-Mar-03 <Unspecifie.. revenues:gains $1.40 $20.73
#### Show transactions
$ hledger print -x
assets:broker:usd $-11.00
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 10 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:usd $-12.00
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 10 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:usd $-12.00
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20 10 AAA @ $1.20
revenues:gifts $-4.00
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 10 AAA @ $0.40
revenues:gifts $-5.00
assets:broker:aaa:2022-01-01_$0.50 10 AAA @ $0.50
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 -5 AAA @ $0.40
assets:broker:usd $6.55
revenues:gains $-4.55
assets:broker:aaa:2021-01-01_$0.40 -5 AAA @ $0.40
assets:broker:aaa:2022-01-01_$0.50 -10 AAA @ $0.50
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 -9 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:usd $31.68
revenues:gains $-14.78
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-1_$1.10 -1 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 -9 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:usd $13.30
revenues:gains $-1.40
#### Transition to a new file
hledger's `close` command helps with this.
You copy the opening balances transaction into the new file,
and (if using [clopen method](#clopen+method)) the closing balances transaction to the old file.
$ hledger close --clopen --show-costs -e 2026
2025-12-31 closing balances ; clopen:
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 -1 AAA @ $1.20 = 0 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20 -10 AAA @ $1.20 = 0 AAA
assets:broker:usd $-16.53 = $0.00
equity:opening/closing balances
2026-01-01 opening balances ; clopen:
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 1 AAA @ $1.20 = 1 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20 10 AAA @ $1.20 = 10 AAA
assets:broker:usd $16.53 = $16.53
equity:opening/closing balances
As a matter of style you might want to add the `@ COST`s to the opening balances transaction's balance assertions,
which must be done manually for now. hledger ignores costs there, but they make the situation clearer.
2026-01-01 opening balances ; clopen:
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-2_$1.20 1 AAA @ $1.20 = 1 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:aaa:2025-01-01-3_$1.20 10 AAA @ $1.20 = 10 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:usd $16.53 = $16.53
equity:opening/closing balances
### Ledger lot notation
#### Acquire
`@ COST` creates lots:
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.20
$ ledger bal --lots --flat -E --no-total aaa
10 AAA {$1.1} [2025/01/01] (1)
10 AAA {$1.2} [2025/01/01] (2)
10 AAA {$1.2} [2025/01/01] (3) assets:broker:aaa
But it doesn't allow adding a custom `[LOT DATE]` or `(LOT NOTE)`.
So it's better to use the Beancount-like `{COST}` syntax, which does:
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$1.10} (1)
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$1.20} (2)
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$1.20} (3)
Although this adds whitespace to the report (a display bug):
$ ledger -f ledger.ledger bal --lots --flat -E --no-total aaa
10 AAA {$1.1} (1)
10 AAA {$1.2} (2)
10 AAA {$1.2} (3) assets:broker:aaa
#### Acquire custom
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$0.40} [2021-01-01]
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$0.50} [2022-01-01]
#### Show lots
$ ledger -f ledger.ledger bal --lots --flat -E --no-total aaa
10 AAA {$0.4} [2021/01/01]
10 AAA {$0.5} [2022/01/01]
10 AAA {$1.1} (1)
10 AAA {$1.2} (2)
10 AAA {$1.2} (3) assets:broker:aaa
#### Dispose FIFO
Ledger doesn't apply FIFO automatically; you must specify the lots manually.
And if you added a custom lot date or lot note when acquiring,
you must also specify those when disposing.
Ledger won't report an error if you dispose of a non-existent lot.
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA {$0.40} [2021-01-01]
assets:broker:usd $6.55
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA {$0.40} [2021-01-01]
assets:broker:aaa -10 AAA {$0.50} [2022-01-01]
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA {$1.10} (1)
assets:broker:usd $31.68
#### Dispose Spec ID
assets:broker:aaa -1 AAA {$1.10} (1)
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA {$1.20} (2)
assets:broker:usd $13.30
#### Show lots 2
$ ledger -f ledger.ledger bal --lots --flat -E --no-total aaa
1 AAA {$1.20} (2)
10 AAA {$1.20} (3) assets:broker:aaa
#### Show transactions
$ ledger print
2025/01/01 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$1.10} (1)
2025/01/01 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$1.20} (2)
2025/01/01 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$1.20} (3)
2025/02/01 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$0.40} [2021/01/01]
2025/02/02 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {$0.50} [2022/01/01]
2025/03/01 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA {$0.40} [2021/01/01]
assets:broker:usd $6.55
2025/03/02 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA {$0.40} [2021/01/01]
assets:broker:aaa -10 AAA {$0.50} [2022/01/01]
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA {$1.10} (1)
assets:broker:usd $31.68
2025/03/03 <Unspecified payee>
assets:broker:aaa -1 AAA {$1.10} (1)
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA {$1.20} (2)
assets:broker:usd $13.30
#### Transition to a new file
### Beancount lot notation
#### Acquire
option "operating_currency" "USD"
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Aaa AAA "FIFO"
2025-01-01 open Assets:Broker:Usd
2025-01-01 open Income:Gains
2025-01-01 open Income:Gifts
2025-01-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA {1.10 USD}
2025-01-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA {1.20 USD}
2025-01-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA {1.20 USD}
#### Acquire custom
2025-02-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA {0.40 USD, 2021-01-01}
2025-02-02 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA {0.50 USD, 2022-01-01}
#### Show lots
$ bean-query beancount.beancount "SELECT account, units(sum(position)) as units, cost_number as cost, cost_date as acquisition_date WHERE account ~ 'Aaa' GROUP BY account, cost_date, currency, cost_currency, cost_number, account_sortkey(account) ORDER BY account_sortkey(account), currency, cost_date"
account units cost acquisitio
----------------- ------ ---- ----------
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA 0.40 2021-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA 0.50 2022-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA 1.10 2025-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 20 AAA 1.20 2025-01-01
More detail:
$ bean-query beancount.beancount "SELECT account, units(sum(position)) as units, cost_number as cost, first(getprice(currency, cost_currency)) as price, cost(sum(position)) as book_value, value(sum(position)) as market_value, safediv((abs(sum(number(value(position)))) - abs(sum(number(cost(position))))), sum(number(cost(position)))) * 100 as unrealized_profit_pct, cost_date as acquisition_date WHERE account ~ 'Aaa' GROUP BY account, cost_date, currency, cost_currency, cost_number, account_sortkey(account) ORDER BY account_sortkey(account), currency, cost_date"
account units cost p book_valu market unrealized_profit_pct acquisitio
----------------- ------ ---- - --------- ------ ------------------------------- ----------
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA 0.40 4.00 USD 10 AAA 150.0 2021-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA 0.50 5.00 USD 10 AAA 100 2022-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 10 AAA 1.10 11.00 USD 10 AAA -9.090909090909090909090909091 2025-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 20 AAA 1.20 24.00 USD 20 AAA -16.66666666666666666666666667 2025-01-01
#### Dispose FIFO
With the "FIFO" declaration for the Assets:Broker:Aaa account, above,
you can write just `{}` to dispose in FIFO order. This is very convenient.
"LIFO" and "STRICT" orders are also supported.
2025-03-01 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa -5 AAA {}
Assets:Broker:Usd 6.55 USD
2025-03-02 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa -24 AAA {}
Assets:Broker:Usd 31.68 USD
#### Dispose Spec ID
2025-03-03 *
Assets:Broker:Aaa -1 AAA {1.10 USD}
Assets:Broker:Aaa -9 AAA {1.20 USD}
Assets:Broker:Usd 13.30 USD
#### Show lots 2
$ bean-query beancount.beancount "SELECT account, units(sum(position)) as units, cost_number as cost, cost_date as acquisition_date WHERE account ~ 'Aaa' GROUP BY account, cost_date, currency, cost_currency, cost_number, account_sortkey(account) ORDER BY account_sortkey(account), currency, cost_date"
account units cost acquisitio
----------------- ------ ---- ----------
Assets:Broker:Aaa 0.40 2021-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 0.50 2022-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 1.10 2025-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 11 AAA 1.20 2025-01-01
More detail:
$ bean-query beancount.beancount "SELECT account, units(sum(position)) as units, cost_number as cost, first(getprice(currency, cost_currency)) as price, cost(sum(position)) as book_value, value(sum(position)) as market_value, safediv((abs(sum(number(value(position)))) - abs(sum(number(cost(position))))), sum(number(cost(position)))) * 100 as unrealized_profit_pct, cost_date as acquisition_date WHERE account ~ 'Aaa' GROUP BY account, cost_date, currency, cost_currency, cost_number, account_sortkey(account) ORDER BY account_sortkey(account), currency, cost_date"
account units cost p book_valu market unrealized_profit_pct acquisitio
----------------- ------ ---- - --------- ------ ------------------------------ ----------
Assets:Broker:Aaa 0.40 0 2021-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 0.50 0 2022-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 1.10 0 2025-01-01
Assets:Broker:Aaa 11 AAA 1.20 13.20 USD 11 AAA -16.66666666666666666666666667 2025-01-01
#### Show transactions
#### Transition to a new file
### Lotter
$ fossil clone && cd lotter && go install
Lotter reads a subset of Ledger/hledger journal syntax.
Commodity symbols must be text and on the right.
Costs should be written with `@ COST`, not `{COST}`.
Generate lot postings (extra postings which update special accounts representing lots):
$ lotter -f a.journal > a.lotter.journal
The entries it generates have wrong signs to my eyes; you can use `--invert` to flip them.
Lots purchased on the same day at the same cost will be combined.
#### Acquire
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 1.10 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 11 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 1.20 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 12 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 1.20 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 12 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
#### Acquire custom
Custom lot dates, or differing lot cost and transaction cost, are not supported.
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 0.50 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 0.40 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 4 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 0.50 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 5 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
#### Show lots
$ hledger -f lotter.lotter bal -YE --invert Lot cur:AAA
Balance changes in 2025:
|| 2025
[email protected] || 10 AAA
[email protected] || 20 AAA
[email protected] || 10 AAA
[email protected] || 10 AAA
|| 50 AAA
#### Dispose FIFO
The cost of lots being disposed must be specified.
The lack of support for custom lot dates means you can't implement FIFO in that case.
Eg here, FIFO would require disposing of the 0.40 lot with the 2021 acquisition date first.
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:usd 6.55 USD
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:aaa -10 AAA @ 0.50 USD
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:usd 31.68 USD
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA ; @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:usd 6.55 USD
[email protected]] 5 AAA ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -5.5 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[Lot:Income:short term gain] 3.5 USD ; :GAIN:SHORTTERM: (loss)
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA ; @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:aaa -10 AAA ; @ 0.50 USD
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA ; @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:usd 31.68 USD
[email protected]] 5 AAA ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -5.5 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[email protected]] 10 AAA ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -12 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[email protected]] 9 AAA ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -10.8 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[Lot:Income:short term gain] 11.4 USD ; :GAIN:SHORTTERM: (loss)
#### Dispose Spec ID
This too is not really supported in general.
assets:broker:aaa -1 AAA @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA @ 1.20 USD
assets:broker:usd 13.30 USD
assets:broker:aaa -1 AAA ; @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA ; @ 1.20 USD
assets:broker:usd 13.30 USD
[email protected]] 1 AAA ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -1.2 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[email protected]] 9 AAA ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -3.6 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[Lot:Income:short term gain] -7.1 USD ; :GAIN:SHORTTERM: (gain)
#### Show lots 2
The quantity of lots remaining is right but their cost bases are wrong:
$ hledger -f lotter.lotter bal -YE --invert Lot cur:AAA
Balance changes in 2025:
|| 2025
[email protected] || 0
[email protected] || 0
[email protected] || 1 AAA
[email protected] || 10 AAA
|| 11 AAA
#### Show realised gains
Lotter adds extra currency noise that isn't very helpful:
$ hledger reg gains --invert
2025-03-01 revenues:gains -5 AAA -5 AAA
6.55 USD 6.55 USD
2025-03-02 revenues:gains -24 AAA -29 AAA
31.68 USD 38.23 USD
2025-03-03 revenues:gains -10 AAA -39 AAA
13.30 USD 51.53 USD
And the gains are wrong, the total should be 20.73 not 51.53:
$ hledger reg gains --invert cur:USD
2025-03-01 revenues:gains 6.55 USD 6.55 USD
2025-03-02 revenues:gains 31.68 USD 38.23 USD
2025-03-03 revenues:gains 13.30 USD 51.53 USD
#### Show transactions
$ hledger print -x
assets:broker:usd -10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 1.10 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA @@ 11 USD ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 11 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
assets:broker:usd -10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 1.20 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA @@ 12 USD ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 12 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
assets:broker:usd -10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 1.20 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA @@ 12 USD ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 12 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
revenues:gifts -10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 0.40 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA @@ 4 USD ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 4 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
revenues:gifts -10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA ; @ 0.50 USD
[email protected]] -10 AAA @@ 5 USD ; :BUY: (inventory)
[email protected]] 5 USD ; :BUY: (basis)
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA ; @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:usd 6.55 USD
revenues:gains 5 AAA
revenues:gains -6.55 USD
[email protected]] 5 AAA @@ 2.0 USD ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -5.5 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[Lot:Income:short term gain] 3.5 USD ; :GAIN:SHORTTERM: (loss)
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA ; @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:aaa -10 AAA ; @ 0.50 USD
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA ; @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:usd 31.68 USD
revenues:gains 24 AAA
revenues:gains -31.68 USD
[email protected]] 5 AAA @ 0.70 USD ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -5.5 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[email protected]] 10 AAA @ 0.70 USD ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -12 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[email protected]] 9 AAA @ 0.70 USD ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -10.8 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[Lot:Income:short term gain] 11.4 USD ; :GAIN:SHORTTERM: (loss)
assets:broker:aaa -1 AAA ; @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:aaa -9 AAA ; @ 1.20 USD
assets:broker:usd 13.30 USD
revenues:gains 10 AAA
revenues:gains -13.30 USD
[email protected]] 1 AAA @ 1.19 USD ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -1.2 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[email protected]] 9 AAA @ 1.19 USD ; :SELL: (inventory consumed)
[email protected]] -3.6 USD ; :SELL: (basis consumed)
[Lot:Income:short term gain] -7.1 USD ; :GAIN:SHORTTERM: (gain)
### hledger-lots
hledger-lots provides:
- Interactive `buy` and `sell` commands that help add valid
lot acquisition and disposal entries to your journal.
- A `list` command that analyses the journal and prints the current lots.
This expects the disposal entries (at least) to be in the format generated by `sell`;
if you have created some yourself, they will probably break `list`.
Current hledger-lots (1.4.2) requires an older hledger version (>=1.18 && <=1.32) in PATH.
$ pip install -U hledger-lots
The journal file needs to contain metadata like this:
#+hledger-lots avg_cost:false, check:true
#+hledger-lots no_desc:
Non-text currency symbols are supported, but in generated entries they will be on the right.
#### Acquire
The `buy` command can help generate entries like these, though they are simple.
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
#### Acquire custom
Like Lotter, hledger-lots doesn't support custom lot dates, or differing lot and transaction costs.
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 0.40 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 0.50 USD
#### Show lots
The list command lists lots. Here it aggregates them for some reason:
$ hledger-lots view AAA
date price base_cur qtty acct
---------- ------- ---------- ------ -----------------
2025-01-01 1.1000 USD 10 assets:broker:aaa
2025-01-01 1.2000 USD 10 assets:broker:aaa
2025-01-01 1.2000 USD 10 assets:broker:aaa
2025-02-01 0.4000 USD 10 assets:broker:aaa
2025-02-02 0.5000 USD 10 assets:broker:aaa
Commodity: AAA
Quantity: 50
Amount: 44.00
Average Cost: 0.8800
Market Data not available
#### Dispose FIFO
Entries generated with the `sell` command.
The lack of custom date support means they are not correct FIFO.
2025-03-01 Sold AAA ; cost_method:fifo
; commodity:AAA, qtty:5.00, price:1.31
; avg_cost:1.1000, xirr:1.85% annual percent rate 30/360US
assets:broker:usd 6.55 USD
assets:broker:aaa -5.0 AAA @ 1.1 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
revenues:gains -1.05 USD
2025-03-02 Sold AAA ; cost_method:fifo
; commodity:AAA, qtty:24.00, price:1.32
; avg_cost:1.1792, xirr:0.95% annual percent rate 30/360US
assets:broker:usd 31.68 USD
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA @ 1.1 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
assets:broker:aaa -10 AAA @ 1.2 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
assets:broker:aaa -9.0 AAA @ 1.2 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
revenues:gains -3.38 USD
#### Dispose Spec ID
The `sell` command doesn't support specific identification of lots.
Here's the third disposal, but using the default (pseudo) FIFO:
2025-03-03 Sold AAA ; cost_method:fifo
; commodity:AAA, qtty:10.00, price:1.33
; avg_cost:0.4800, xirr:6500.49% annual percent rate 30/360US
assets:broker:usd 13.30 USD
assets:broker:aaa -1 AAA @ 1.2 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
assets:broker:aaa -9.0 AAA @ 0.4 USD ; buy_date:2025-02-01, base_cur:USD
revenues:gains -8.50 USD
#### Show lots 2
$ hledger-lots view AAA
date price base_cur qtty acct
---------- ------- ---------- ------ -----------------
2025-01-01 1.1000 USD 0 assets:broker:aaa
2025-01-01 1.2000 USD 0 assets:broker:aaa
2025-01-01 1.2000 USD 0 assets:broker:aaa
2025-02-01 0.4000 USD 1 assets:broker:aaa
2025-02-02 0.5000 USD 10 assets:broker:aaa
Commodity: AAA
Quantity: 11
Amount: 5.40
Average Cost: 0.4909
Market Data not available
#### Show realised gains
If the test scenario was supported, the total should be 20.73 not 12.93.
$ hledger -f hledger-lots.hledger reg --invert -w80 gains
2025-03-01 Sold AAA revenues:gains 1.05 USD 1.05 USD
2025-03-02 Sold AAA revenues:gains 3.38 USD 4.43 USD
2025-03-03 Sold AAA revenues:gains 8.50 USD 12.93 USD
#### Show transactions
$ hledger print -x
assets:broker:usd -11.00 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.10 USD
assets:broker:usd -12.00 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
assets:broker:usd -12.00 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 1.20 USD
revenues:gifts -4.00 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 0.40 USD
revenues:gifts -5.00 USD
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ 0.50 USD
2025-03-01 Sold AAA ; cost_method:fifo
; commodity:AAA, qtty:5.00, price:1.31
; avg_cost:1.1000, xirr:1.85% annual percent rate 30/360US
assets:broker:usd 6.55 USD
assets:broker:aaa -5.0 AAA @ 1.1 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
revenues:gains -1.05 USD
2025-03-02 Sold AAA ; cost_method:fifo
; commodity:AAA, qtty:24.00, price:1.32
; avg_cost:1.1792, xirr:0.95% annual percent rate 30/360US
assets:broker:usd 31.68 USD
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA @ 1.1 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
assets:broker:aaa -10 AAA @ 1.2 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
assets:broker:aaa -9.0 AAA @ 1.2 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
revenues:gains -3.38 USD
2025-03-03 Sold AAA ; cost_method:fifo
; commodity:AAA, qtty:10.00, price:1.33
; avg_cost:0.4800, xirr:6500.49% annual percent rate 30/360US
assets:broker:usd 13.30 USD
assets:broker:aaa -1 AAA @ 1.2 USD ; buy_date:2025-01-01, base_cur:USD
assets:broker:aaa -9.0 AAA @ 0.4 USD ; buy_date:2025-02-01, base_cur:USD
revenues:gains -8.50 USD
## Mockups
Imaginary alternate notations.
### Mockup 1: assisted subaccounts
Every lot is represented by a subaccount, but with some extra automation.
Lot accounts are indicated or detectable in some way,
and the lot's date and cost basis are encoded in the account name.\
Eg `assets:broker:AAA::2025-01-01_$1.10`\
or `assets:broker:AAA:{2025-01-01_$1.10}`.\
Lot accounts are omitted from reports by default, requiring the --lots flag to reveal them.
When there are many lots this would make reports more manageable without needing to carefully control account/report depth.
#### Acquire
assets:broker:aaa:{2025-01-01-1_$1.10} 10 AAA @ $1.10
assets:broker:aaa:{2025-01-01-2_$1.20} 10 AAA @ $1.20
assets:broker:aaa:{2025-01-01-3_$1.20} 10 AAA @ $1.20
#### Acquire custom
assets:broker:aaa:{2021-01-01_$0.40} 10 AAA @ $1.21
assets:broker:aaa:{2022-01-01_$0.40} 10 AAA @ $1.22
#### Show lots
assets:broker:aaa::2021-01-01_$0.40 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa::2022-01-01_$0.50 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa::2025-01-01-1_$1.10 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa::2025-01-01-2_$1.20 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa::2025-01-01-3_$1.20 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:{2021-01-01_$0.40} 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:{2022-01-01_$0.50} 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:{2025-01-01-1_$1.10} 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:{2025-01-01-2_$1.20} 10 AAA
assets:broker:aaa:{2025-01-01-3_$1.20} 10 AAA
#### Dispose FIFO
assets:broker:aaa:{} -5 AAA @ $1.31
assets:broker:aaa:{} -24 AAA @ $1.32
#### Dispose Spec ID
assets:broker:aaa:{2022-01-01_$0.50} -5 AAA @ $1.33
assets:broker:aaa:{2025-01-01-2_$1.20} -5 AAA @ $1.33
### Mockup 2: {...} after the amount
A pair of curly braces {...} following a posting's @ COST indicates a lot posting.
Lots could be enabled automatically for certain commodities or accounts, but an explicit notation simplifies things.
Accounts are allowed to have either lot postings or non-lot postings, not both.
If the posting amount is positive, it's a lot acquisition.
{} with nothing inside means use the defaults: the posting's date and transacted cost (@) become the lot's acquisition date and cost basis.
Or a custom date and/or cost basis can be specified inside the braces.
If the posting amount is negative, it's a lot disposal.
{} with lot selectors inside (date, perhaps intra-day sequence number, perhaps cost) specifies a single existing lot to be disposed of.
{} with nothing inside could mean select the default lot or multiple existing lots to dispose of.
#### Acquire
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.10 {}
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.20 {}
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.20 {}
#### Acquire custom
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.21 {2021-01-01 $0.40}
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA @ $1.22 {2022-01-01 $0.50}
#### Show lots
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {2021-01-01 $0.40}
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {2022-01-01 $0.50}
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {2025-01-01-1 $1.10}
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {2025-01-01-2 $1.20}
assets:broker:aaa 10 AAA {2025-01-01-3 $1.20}
#### Dispose FIFO
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA @ $1.31 {} ; or: -5 AAA {} @ $1.31
assets:broker:aaa -24 AAA @ $1.32 {}
#### Dispose Spec ID
assets:broker:aaa -5 AAA @ $1.33 {2022-01-01}
assets:broker:aaa -24 AAA @ $1.33 {2025-01-01-2}
## 2025 dev notes
- One catch-all use case:\
An investor/trader of stocks or cryptocurrencies wants to keep track of their investment lots,
to accurately calculate gains/losses and to implement/check/document disposal policies like FIFO or Specific Identification.
They would like to do this on their own machine, for privacy, reliability, or to check the reports from their broker/exchange/investing app.
- Simplify goals, perhaps drastically, to make progress.
- Generally we don't want to see individual lots in reports by default, since there can be many of them.
- Notation comes first.
- Validity checks need not be enforced in the notation, they can be checked as a later step.
- Assume for now that lots can exist only in asset accounts.
- Assume that accounts (except aggregating parent accounts) contain lot postings or non-lot postings, but not both.
- Postings need to be able to specify lot attributes, to customise lots during acquisition or select them during disposals.
- The actual lots in an account are something else; they must be calculated by applying all postings and their lot specifications to that account's balance, in order, perhaps with validity checks.
- These actual lot details must be preserved and transferred whenever lots move, eg to a new account, owner, or data file.
This last is the biggest source of tedious, error-prone bookkeeping work with lots in PTA.
Whenever starting a new journal file, every lot must be declared as part of opening balances.
And if you are using the [clopen method](#clopen+method), they must also be declared in closing balances.
There are tools to help with these.
But also, if you make any bookkeeping error and want to correct it later, that tends to force many updates to later journal entries.
Eg to all future closing/opening balances, to all future lot disposals in the same account,
and to any other of your accounts to which that account transferred lots (recursively).
(I'm not yet sure to what extent this verbosity can be safely avoided with automation.)
In the "real world", assuming the impact is relatively small, tolerating or adjusting for such errors is probably the norm.
### clopen method
## 2023 dev notes
### Lot terminology
Some investment-related terminology, as we use it here and in the PTA world:
- "Investment" - something whose value fluctuates while you hold it.
- Acquiring, disposing - receiving and getting rid of investments, whether by purchase,
exchange, gift, inheritance, stock options...
- Augmenting, reducing - the same thing; terminology used in Beancount docs.
Most often the investment is an asset and acquiring/augmenting increases a positive balance,
but with other kinds of investments (options..) it might decrease a negative balance.
Acquiring/augmenting increases your exposure (risk), disposing/reducing reduces it.
- Lot - a quantity of an investment purchased at a specific time and cost.
It may also have descriptive note attached.
With many investments, lots must be tracked individually for tax reporting.
- Capital gain/loss - your net profit or loss arising from the change in value of an investment
since you acquired it. Some times abbreviated as "gains" in these docs.
While you are holding the investment, you have unrealised gains, which fluctuate along with the market value.
Once you dispose of it, you have realised gains.
Capital gain/loss has tax consequences.
- Cost basis - the nominal cost of a lot being held, used for calculating capital gains/losses. Can be adjusted up or down for various reasons while the lot is being held.
- Disposal method, reduction strategy, lot selection - the order in which lots are reduced, eg when you are selling a stock
or gifting some cryptocurrency, which ones do you reduce first ?
Common strategies: FIFO (first in first out), LIFO (last in first out),
and Specific Identification (a documented custom order).
The reduction strategy affects capital gains now and later, and has tax consequences.
Sometimes you can choose it, at other times it is mandated by the tax authorities.
### Lot ideas
2023-01 Some examples/brainstorming of lot notations and functionality.
I believe one could emulate most of ledger/beancount's lot tracking/selection with simpler syntax -
just @, with less or no need for {} (curly brace syntax).
#### Explicit lot accounts
Eg here, using explicit subaccounts to track lots, no {} is needed.:
2022-01-01 buy at 10
assets:aaa:_20220101 10 AAA @ $10
assets:cash $-100
2022-02-01 buy at 12
assets:aaa:_20220201 10 AAA @ $12
assets:cash $-120
2022-03-01 sell at 20
assets:aaa:_20220101 -10 AAA @ $10 ; original cost basis
assets:aaa:_20220201 -5 AAA @ $12
assets:cash $300
revenues:gains $-140
#### Inferring cost from lot account
Assuming each lot subaccount holds only one lot, the cost basis could be recalled automatically when selling, though it's less readable:
2022-01-01 buy at 10
assets:aaa:_20220101 10 AAA @ $10
assets:cash $-100
2022-02-01 buy at 12
assets:aaa:_20220201 10 AAA @ $12
assets:cash $-120
2022-03-01 sell at 20
assets:aaa:_20220101 -10 AAA ; @ $10 implied
assets:aaa:_20220201 -5 AAA ; @ $12 implied
assets:cash $300
revenues:gains $-140
#### Cost in lot account name
Cost basis could also be indicated in the subaccount name:
2022-01-01 buy at 10
assets:aaa:_20220101_$10 10 AAA @ $10
assets:cash $-100
2022-02-01 buy at 12
assets:aaa:_20220201_$12 10 AAA @ $12
assets:cash $-120
2022-03-01 sell at 20
assets:aaa:_20220101_$10 -10 AAA ; @ $10 implied, now more clear
assets:aaa:_20220201_$12 -5 AAA
assets:cash $300
revenues:gains $-140
#### Automatic lot accounts
Lot subaccounts could be created automatically, without having to write them; and could be used to select lots when withdrawing:
2022-01-01 buy at 10
assets:aaa 10 AAA @ $10 ; creates _20220101_$10 subaccount
assets:cash $-100
2022-02-01 buy at 12
assets:aaa 10 AAA @ $12 ; creates _20220201_$12
assets:cash $-120
2022-03-01 sell at 20
assets:aaa:_20220201_$12 -10 AAA ; select lot by subaccount
assets:aaa:_20220101_$10 -5 AAA ; LIFO order here
assets:cash $300
revenues:gains $-130
#### Implicit lots
Or there could be no lot subaccounts, just lots tracked implicitly by the tool, with special commands to view them, as in ledger/beancount:
2022-01-01 buy at 10
assets:aaa 10 AAA @ $10 ; creates an implicit lot
assets:cash $-100
2022-02-01 buy at 12
assets:aaa 10 AAA @ $12 ; view lots with bal --lots
assets:cash $-120
#### Reduction strategy
Whether explicit, automatic or implicit, lots could be selected automatically according to some reduction strategy,
specified eg with a tag:
2022-03-01 sell at 20, FIFO
assets:aaa -15 AAA ; reduce lots FIFO by default
assets:cash $300
revenue:gains ; $-140 calculated
2022-03-01 sell at 20, LIFO
assets:aaa -15 AAA ; reduce:LIFO
assets:cash $300
revenue:gains ; $-130 calculated
The above are easy to enter but less informative and hard to calculate by eye; you could use the tool to convert to a more explicit entry:
2022-03-01 sell at 20, FIFO
assets:aaa -10 AAA @ $10
assets:aaa -5 AAA @ $12
assets:cash $300
revenue:gains $-140
2022-03-01 sell at 20, LIFO
assets:aaa -10 AAA @ $12
assets:aaa -5 AAA @ $10
assets:cash $300
revenue:gains $-130
#### Lot selection syntax
If lots are implicit, ie there are no subaccounts by which to select them,
some special syntax is needed to allow identifying them individually by cost, date, and/or note.
This could be {}, [], tags, or something new. Eg:
2022-03-01 sell at 20, taking 3 alternately from each lot
assets:aaa -3 AAA {@ $10} ; lot 1
assets:aaa -3 AAA {2022-02-01} ; lot 2
assets:aaa -3 AAA {buy at 10} ; lot 1
assets:aaa -3 AAA {@ $10, 2022-02-01, buy at 12} ; lot 2
assets:aaa -3 AAA ; lot-date:2022-01-01, lot-cost:$10, lot-note:buy at 10, (lot 1)
assets:cash $300
revenue:gains $-138
#### Use of curly braces
I don't see the need to use {} as much as Ledger/Beancount do.
In particular, Ledger/Beancount's {} syntax allows creating a lot with a cost basis
different from what it cost you in the transaction acquiring it.
What is the real need for this, and how often is it needed ?
It's not needed eg when buying a commodity at a rate different from the market rate; you can do:
2022-01-01 receive AAA, currently worth $10, with effective cost to us of ~$11 because of fees
revenues:usd -10 AAA @ $10
expenses:fees 1 AAA
equity:basis adjustment -1 AAA
assets:cash 9 AAA @ $11.111
commodity $0.00 ; help hledger balance the above
#### Investments vs one-time transactions
Not yet mentioned: some commodities/balances fluctuate in value while
you hold them (eg an investment) and others are a one-time conversion
(eg buying foreign currency at the airport).
@ can be used for both of these, it's essentially a matter of which cost you calculate with when disposing:
2022-01-01 buy at 10, hold with fluctuating value
assets:aaa 10 AAA @ $10 ; today's acquisition cost
assets:cash $-100
2022-03-01 sell at 20, with capital gain/loss
assets:aaa -10 AAA @ $10 ; original acquisition cost
assets:cash $200
revenue:gains $-100
2022-01-01 exchange SEK for USD, one-time conversion
assets:cash -100 SEK
assets:cash 10 USD @ 10 SEK ; today's conversion cost
2022-03-01 exchange back to SEK, one-time conversion
assets:cash -10 USD @ 11 SEK ; today's conversion cost
assets:cash 110 SEK
I believe @ and {} were intended to/can/do distinguish between these.
If using only @ there needs to be some other mechanism to indicate fluctuating value vs one-time conversion, or so it seems -
eg an annotation on the transaction, the account, or the commodity.
### Cost and price syntax
#### In Ledger and hledger
- In the journal, a `P DATE COMMODITY AMOUNT` directive some commodity's market price in some other commodity on DATE.
(A timestamp may be added, but is ignored.)
- In a posting, `AMT @ UNITCOST` declares the per-unit cost that was used to convert AMT into the cost's commodity.
Eg: `2A @ 3B` records that 2A was posted, in exchange for 6B.
- `@@ TOTALCOST` is another form of `@`, sometimes more convenient.
Eg: `2A @@ 5.99B` records that 2A was posted in exchange for 5.99B.
#### In Ledger
Any use of `@` also generates an implicit `P` directive.
a 2A @ 3B
in the journal is equivalent to writing
a 2A @ 3B
P 2019/1/1 A 1.5B
The following are variants of the above; they work the same way except
that you write the total instead of the unit cost:
#### In hledger
- `@` does not generate a market price by default; with `--infer-market-prices` it does.
- `{}` and `{=}` are ignored
## 2020 dev notes
### Capital gains
#### A model for capital gains
Capital gain/loss (when the value of assets you hold increases/decreases
due to market price fluctuations) - is an important topic, since it can
generate tax liability.
Here is a description of how it works, intended for both users and
builders of accounting software (especially, plain text accounting
software). (I'm a software engineer, not an accountant. In places there
may be better accounting terms I'm not familiar with yet.)
- lots/units -
A quantity of some commodity, acquired at a certain cost on a certain date,
is called a *lot*, or *unit*. (I'm not sure which is the most standard term. Using lot for now.)
- Since you might have purchased the lot on a stock exchange, received it as a gift,
or something else, we'll call this event *lot acquisition*, on the *acquisition date*.
- Later you might sell the lot for cash, or exchange it for something else, or gift it.
We'll call this *lot disposal*.
- You might have paid current market value for the lot, or you might have
paid less or more than that. We'll call what you paid/exchanged the *acquisition amount*.
- I think the acquisition amount is also called the *basis* or *cost basis*.
Or possibly the current market value is the basis, regardless of what you paid.
Perhaps it depends. To be clarified. The basis at which you acquired a lot is important.
- After acquisition, while you are still holding the lot, if the market value of that commodity goes up (or down),
your potential return from disposing of the lot increases (or decreases).
This is known as *capital gain (or loss)* (we'll just call it "capital gain").
At this stage, the gain is only "on paper", so it is called *unrealised capital gain*.
This is not usually considered revenue, or taxable.
- It's common to be holding multiple lots, perhaps many, even in a single account.
Eg, say you buy a small amount of some stock or cryptocurrency each week.
Each purchase adds a new lot to your assets. We'll call this a *multi-lot balance*, or *balance*.
- Unrealised capital gains are calculated for a lot at a certain point in time.
Likewise for a multi-lot balance.
- realised capital gain...
- lot withdrawal strategies...
- specific identification...
#### Capital gains in hledger
- postings can have multiple commodities and multiple costs; each of
these parts is a deposit or withdrawal to the account
-- | Given a list of amounts all in the same commodity, interprets them
-- as a sequence of lot deposits (the positive amounts) and withdrawals
-- (the negative amounts), and applies them in order using the FIFO
-- strategy for withdrawals, then returns the resulting lot balance (as
-- another, shorter, list of amounts).
sumLots :: [Amount] -> [Amount]