![[js2.jpg]] I'm Simon Michael, an experienced software engineer, sysadmin, free software maintainer, consultant and coach, based in Maui and Ireland. Joyful Systems is my consulting business. <[email protected]> | +1-310-795-0167 | HST (UTC-10) \ Mastodon: [@[email protected]](https://fosstodon.org/@simonmic)\ Matrix chat: @simonmic:matrix.org, display name: sm\ Libera IRC: sm \ Code: [github.com/simonmichael](https://github.com/simonmichael) | [hub.darcs.net/simon](https://hub.darcs.net/simon) | [[FOSS]] %% https://matrix.to/#/@simonmic:matrix.org %% I'm interested in many things, including FOSS, technologies, usability, communities, and personal/societal/planetary sustainability. In recent years I have been most involved with Plain Text Accounting, the Haskell programming language, and maintaining a large PHP ERP system. <hr> **2025-01**\ Hello there visitor. If you're a domainer: I'm sorry, joyful.com is not for sale. Currently I write most often in these places: FOSS chat rooms on matrix ([PTA](https://matrix.to/#/#plaintextaccounting-space:matrix.org) , [haskell](https://matrix.to/#/#haskell-space:matrix.org) ; also libera IRC); the [PTA forum](https://forum.plaintextaccounting.org) (and [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/simonmic/) and [HN](https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=simonmic)); [mastodon](https://fosstodon.org/@simonmic); [hledger.org](https://hledger.org) and [plaintextaccounting.org](https://plaintextaccounting.org). This year I am managing joyful.com with Obsidian Publish, to save time and encourage updates; alas this means you need javascript enabled to view it. In 2025 you'll see more FAQ/summary/wiki-style notes appearing here, sometimes temporarily until they find a more permanent home. %% https://help.obsidian.md/Obsidian+Publish/Customize+your+site https://docs.obsidian.md/Reference/CSS+variables/Publish/Publish %%